

I used to have a profile, one rather professionally expounding on my life and loves, very generic. I don't think that's me. It never really has been my nature to stick to the lines when you could be doing your own drawing. I think I'll skip the mold this time.

Dark chocolate is the best, though I don't eat it often.  

I've been to ten different countries. Travel. Explore. Realize how wrong you are about everything.

I like martinis or wine when I drink. 

I'd rather use old stuff than new if I make anything. Why make more waste than there already is.

I wish I was a writer. 

I think the artistic and handmade movement is one of the most encouraging things in this world at the moment. So much of it is honest, joyful and productive. Productive in the sense of producing more in others. It's a good thing and I hope it continues. 

I cook. I like it. 

I cannot get as organized as I'd like to be. 

Life is slipping away. 

I have learned what's fighting for. 

I don't know why I am here. And I don't pretend to know. I just do whatever feels like breathing. Hopefully God can make something from it. 
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